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10 Commandments Tablets

A reproduction of how the Ten Commandments may have looked, carefully inscribed in authentic Paleo-Hebrew (Proto-Canaanite) from the time of Moses.


The first two lines declare:

"I AM YOD-HEY-VAV-HEY, YOUR LORD" (I am the Lord, thy God.) The second and third lines: "YOU SHALL NOT HAVE ANY OTHER ELOHIM (Gods)."

Literal text translation is included.

Each tablet is 165mm x 130mm 


 Price R1 430.00 plus P&H  

Tel Dan Inscription

No extra Biblical evidence of David previously existed, and since he was such a monumental leader of the nation of Israel skeptics denied his existence. However in 1993 renown archaeologist Avraham Biran was excavating ancient Dan when one of his staff discovered a piece of basalt with an inscription on it in the rubble of a wall.

It was found along with two more pieces found the next season to contain a reference to the ?House of David?. It was written in the Paleo-Hebrew script and has been dated both paleographically and in accord to its position in the site levels to 858-824BC. 

Now we have solid evidence that King David did exist, his family descendant being the subject of this stele.

The inscription is in fact a victory monument of one king of Damascus (Aram) proclaiming his defeat of a king of Israel and the House of David.


 Price R1 430.00 plus P&H

Rosetta Stone

Exhibited in the British Museum since 1802, the Rosetta Stone was the key to unlocking the mystery of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the knowledge of which was thought to have been lost forever. The importance of this to Egyptology is immense. Soon after the end of the fourth century AD, when hieroglyphs had gone out of use, the knowledge of how to read and write them disappeared. In the early years of the nineteenth century, some 1400 years later, scholars were able to use the Greek inscription on this stone as the key to decipher them.

This 3D reproduction is made by the British Museum and comes with a 64 page colour book on the history of the Rosetta Stone.

 Code ROS1

 Price R2 832.00 plus P&H

Amarna Tablet

 These clay tablet, consists of diplomatic correspondence between the Egyptian administration and its representatives in Canaan and Amurru during the New Kingdom. The letters were found in Upper Egypt at Amarna, and are unusual in Egyptological research, because they are mostly written in Akkadian cuneiform, the writing system of ancient Mesopotamia, rather than that of ancient Egypt.

"[Sa]y [t]o the king-(i.e. pharaoh), my lord: Message of ['Abdi]-Heba, your servant. I fall at the feet [of the kin]g, my lord, 7 times and 7 times. Here is the deed against the land that Milkilu and Šuardatu did: against the land of the king, my lord, they ordered troops from Gazru, troops from Gimtu, and troops from Qiltu-(Keilah). They seized Rubutu. The land of the king deserted to the Hapiru. And now, besides this, a town belonging to Jerusalem-(called Urusalim), Bit-dNIN.URTA by name, a city of the king, has gone over to the side of the men of Qiltu. May the king give heed to Abdi-Heba, your servant, and send archers to restore the land of the king to the king. If there are no archers, the land of the king will desert to the Hapiru. This deed against the land was [a]t the order of Milki[lu and a]t the order of [Šuard]atu, [together w]ith Gint[i] -(i.e. the city). So may the king provide for [his] land." -EA 290, lines 1-30 (complete)

The city "Bit-dNIN.URTA" is linked to cuneiform as: city: "Home of God–Ninurta", (Bit-dNIN.URTA).


 Code HEA290

 Price R429.00 plus P&H

Siloam Inscription

In 701BC Sennacherib, King of Assyria had attacked the northern cities of Israel and Judah and was on his way to Jerusalem. King Hezekiah needed to secure the walls of the city and ensure adequate supplies of food and water. Outside the city walls lay the Gihon spring, a ready supply of water, but if he could both hide the spring from the Assyrians and somehow access these waters he could secure the city. He sent his men to extend the walls to enclose the spring from view of the Assyrians and had two teams tunnel from opposite directions, following natural clefts in the rock to produce a winding tunnel that would bring the waters from without to the Pool of Siloam within. The project was successful and ensured the security of the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Sennacherib failed to encroach on Jerusalem and went home defeated and empty handed.

The Inscription was carved on the wall of the tunnel 20 feet from the southern end. It records the efforts of the tunnels and how they managed to join the tunnel from both ends. It has been clearly dated to the time of Hezekiah and is another significant validation to the accuracy of the Biblical account.

 Code HSIL1

 Price R4 276.00 pus P&H

Gezer Calendar

The Gezer Calendar is probably a student's memory exercise written in verse on a piece of limestone around 925BC, about the time of Solomon. It is a text in Paleo-Hebrew about the agricultural seasons and related tasks. It may have been used as a folksong and is of help to researchers of scripts and language of the Near East. It was found at Tell el-Jazari which is the ancient city of Gezer, 30km northwest of Jerusalem by R.A.S Mc Allister It was found in 1908. The text in the bottom left corner is the students signature, his name is Abijah. This tablet/inscription is one of the earliest known examples of Paleo-Hebrew text ever found, indicative of the use of the Hebrew text as early as the 10th century BC predating the Babylonian exile of 586BC after which minimalists and some scholars claim the Biblical text was written. Both the inscription and the text are considered archaic in nature.

His two months are (olive) harvest,

His two months are planting (grain),

His two months are late planting;

His month is hoeing up flax,

His month is harvest of barley,

His month is harvest and feasting;

His two months are wine - tending,

His month is summer fruit.


 Code HGEZ1 

 Price R615.00 plus P&H

Ivory Pomegranate from Solomon's Temple

What has become one of the most controversial items procured by the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is also one of the most inconspicuous items that would have graced their display cabinets. (This item has been removed from display).

A small carved piece of ivory in the shape of a pomegranate with a paleo-Hebrew text around the neck of it ascribing the words (interpreted):

belonging to the temp(le of Yahw)eh holy to the priests

This item if genuine would be the only archaeological find from the 1st Temple of Solomon. It has been dated according to its textual style to 8th century BC.

This would have been used as a scepter top piece evidenced by the hole in its base.


 Code HPOM

 Price R858.00 plus P&H

Gilgamesh Flood Tablet

From the Library of Ashurbanipal 669-631BC

This is the tablet 11 of the story, describing of Gilgamesh meeting with Utnapishtim. With similarities to Noah in the Bible, Utnapishtim had been warned that the gods would send a great flood. He built a boat and loaded it with all his possessions, his family of three sons and their wives, domesticated and wild animals.


Utnapishtim survived the flood for six days while mankind was destroyed, before landing on a mountain called Nimush. He released a dove and a swallow but they did not find dry land to rest on, and returned. Finally a raven that he released did not return, showing that the waters must have receded.


 Code HGIL

 Price R858.00 plus P&H

Place of Trumpeting Inscription

The Place of Trumpeting Inscription was found recently...evidence of the upper portion of the second temple in Jerusalem destroyed by the Roman tenth legion on 70 AD. It was here that the priests would blow the shofar announcing the celebration of the Sabbath. The Bible says: "Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to them, "Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down." Matthew 24:1-2

Clear evidence of the accuracy of Jesus words in that every part of the temple was dismantled and thrown over the side of the temple mount only to be found by archaeologists 2000 years later.

 Code HPOT1

 Price R2 430.00 plus P&H

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